
As if living isn't hard already, this challenge called Covid-19 came.


How are your quarantine days going?

Mine? Another roller-coaster road with sharp turn and big loop in front and behind me.

I guess it's pretty similar with other people too, surviving becomes our top priority, facing all bad news that keep popping across this year and yeah here we are, facing Covid-19, and the effect(S) of it.

I'm not gonna talk about the economy effects, or how it change my working life, because I'm far beyond capable of talking about that. I just wanna talk about what I see, what I feel, and what I think during this pandemic season.

So, starting off with something that happened recently.

Dalgona and Bingo Challenge

'We don't have enough time to do that!'

'I'll do it later when I have time'

and now, is the time. We have plenty of time that we starting to search another activity to keep us busy. Most of the things that rea~lly happening in my circle is either making Dalgona Coffee or uploading Bingo Challenge on their insta-story. There is another challenge too, like until tomorrow challenge. Well, if we talk about K-pop, there also another #anysongchallenge or *sorry for mentioning it to promote them* #KickItChallenge.

Okay, nothing's wrong with these things right? What could hurt with sharing your hard work whisking the coffee and sugar until it's become foamy and looks tasty, right? Or what could hurt other people with those funny, recalling memories, showing your personality, or etc. bingo challenge right? There's nothing wrong with that, right?

Until someone said it's bothering him/her.

They said it's too much for people showing off their hard work on making that foamy coffee.
They said that people just so stupid for following this challenge or they just wasting their time and energy following that stupid recipe.
They said, those people becoming another virus for another.

I'm honestly speechless with this condition, and kinda amazed I think? I really amazed how people can annoyed by harmless things. I really amazed how people can be ignorant and called other people a virus? Do they kill you? I mean... This social media things definitely toxic, we knew that, and if we feel annoyed or disturbed by it, I guess we just need to quit, don't we? Why are you trying to hurt other people's feeling? Sometimes, when these things come up, I really wondering who is the toxic one in here...

Less-Traffic, Less-queue, and The Blue-er Sky

I guess these 3 things are my favorite things during this pandemic season.

Oh, yes, I need to get out of my house because in some days I still need to fill my shift at work.

But seriously, though, the sky is really pretty nowadays.

There's some opinion that said, this Covid-19 surely a curse, because it brings misfortune, sorrow, distress, and misery to every layer of society.

But yeah, again, Al-Inshirah : 6, "Undoubtly, along with the hardship there is ease"

I guess as The Almighty's servant we just can keep on believe and surrender

Other thing(s)

People really show their true color in this pandemic season.

They used to say that they care, they want to protect you, bring you to welfare, and now is the right time who is honest and just lip servicing.

Please people,

Living is hard already, now we need to be surviving too, even for some people, they lost their relatives and can't even properly say goodbye.

Please, don't say or do something that triggering other's.

In this condition our emotion is really at the edge, it just need one bad thing and people could snap badly.

Please, just be nice.

If you can't, just shut your mouth and get rid of your fingers from the keyboard, please!


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